Wednesday, August 4, 2010

WW III - The Population Bomb's 12 Triggers.

Last week, you read about the Billionaire Club's efforts to stop the inevitable collapse of mankind as we know it. This week, I'll finish the article which points out the dangers which lie ahead for each and everyone of us.

Next week, we'll begin discussing what YOU can do to prepare yourself for the inevitable storm looming on the horizon.

1. Overpopulation Multiplier

According to TimesOnline: A few months before the billionaires meeting Gates noted: "Official projections say the world's population will peak at 9.3 billion [up from 6.6 billion today] but with charitable initiatives, such as better reproductive health care, we think we can cap that at 8.3 billion." Still, that's 23% more than today's 6.6 billion.
Can it be stopped? In a recent special issue of Scientific American, population was called "the most overlooked and essential strategy for achieving long-term balance with the environment." Why? Population's the new "third-rail" for politicians. So they ignore it.
Yet, if all nations consumed resources at the same rate as America, we'd need six Earths to survive. Unfortunately that scenario is unstoppable. Because by 2050, while America's population grows from 300 million to a mere 400 million, the rest of the world will explode from 6.3 billion to 8.9 billion, with over 1.4 billion each in China and India.

2. Population Impact Multiplier

Diamond warns: "There are 'optimists' who argue that the world could support double its human population." But he adds, they "consider only the increase in human numbers and not average increase in per-capita impact. But I have not heard anyone who seriously argues that the world could support 12 times it's current impact." And yet, that's exactly what happens with "all third-world inhabitants adopting first-world standards."
Folks, we oversold the American dream. Now everyone wants it. Not just 300 million Americans, but 6.3 billion people worldwide are demanding more, more, more!
"What really counts," says Diamond, "is not the number of people alone, but their impact on the environment," the "per-capita impact." First-world citizens "consume 32 times more resources such as fossil fuels, and put out 32 times more waste, than do the inhabitants of the Third World." So the race is on: "Low impact people are becoming high-impact people" aspiring "to first-world living standards." The American dream is now the global dream.
Warning: The "Impact Multiplier" will drive the global "WWIII-Population Wars" equation even if there is zero population growth to 2050!
In Diamond's masterpiece, "Collapse," the two key variables are what we call the "Over-Population Multiplier" and "Population Impact Multiplier." Now let's closely examine Diamond's other 10 variables that are driving our "WWIII-Population Wars" equation:

3. Food

Two billion people, mostly poor, depend on fish and other wild foods for protein. They "have collapsed or are in steep decline" forcing use of more costly animal proteins. The U.N. calls the global food crisis a "silent tsunami." Food prices rise making it worse for the 2.7 billion living below poverty levels on two dollars a day.
In "The End of Plenty," National Geographic warns that even a new "green revolution" of "synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation, supercharged by genetically engineered seeds" may fail. Why? A joint World Bank/U.N. study "concluded that the immense production increases brought about by science and technology the past 30 years have failed to improve food access for many of the world's poor."
Meanwhile, a Time cover story warns that America's "addiction to meat" has led to farming that's "destructive of the soil, the environment and us."

4. Water

Diamond warns: "Most of the world's fresh water in rivers and lakes is already being used for irrigation, domestic and industrial water," transportation, fisheries and recreation. Water problems destroyed many earlier civilizations: "Today over a million people lack access to reliable safe drinking water." British International Development Minister recently warned that two-thirds of the world will live in water-stressed countries by 2015.
Water will trade like oil futures as wars are fought over water and other basic essentials noted earlier in Fortune's analysis of the Pentagon report predicting that warfare will define human life in this scenario of the near future.

5. Farmland

Crop soils are "being carried away by water and wind erosion at rates between 10 to 40 times the rates of soil formation," much higher in forests where the soil-erosion rate is "between 500 and 10,000 times" replacement rate. And this is increasing in today's new age of the 100,000-acre megafires.

6. Forests

We are destroying natural habitats and rain forests at an accelerating rate. Half the world's original forests have been converted to urban developments. A quarter of what remains will be converted in the next 50 years.

7. Toxic chemicals

Often our solutions create more problems than they solve. For example, industries "manufacture or release into the air, soil, oceans, lakes, and rivers many toxic chemicals" that break down slowly or not at all. Consider the deadly impact of insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, plastics ... the list is endless.

8. Energy resources: oil, natural gas and coal

Pimco manages $747 billion: equity, bonds and commodity funds. Manager Bill Gross recently described a "significant break" in the world's "growth pattern." He's betting we're past the "peak oil" tipping point. Consumer shopping will continue declining as economies grow very slowly in the future and "corporate profits will be static."
A recent issue of Foreign Policy Journal warns of the "7 Myths About Alternative Energy." Are biofuels, solar and nuclear the "major ticket?" No, they're not, never will be.

9. Solar energy

Sunlight is not unlimited. Diamond: We're already using "half of the Earth's photosynthetic capacity" and we will reach the max by mid-century. In "Plundering the Amazon," Bloomberg Markets magazine warned that Alcoa, Cargill and other companies "have bypassed laws designed to prevent destruction of the world's largest rain forest ... robbing the earth of its best shield against global warming."
Free market capitalism may be the enemy of survival.

10. Ozone layer

"Human activities produce gases that escape into the atmosphere" where they can destroy the protective ozone or absorb and reduce solar energy.

11. Diversity

"A significant fraction of wild species, populations and genetic diversity has been lost, and at present rates, a large percent of the rest will disappear in half century."

12. Alien species

Transferring species to lands where they're not native can have unintended and catastrophic effects, "preying on, parasitizing, infecting or outcompeting" native animals and plants that lack evolutionary resistance.
In spite of the clear message in Diamond's 12 time-bombs, he still says he's a "cautious optimist." What fuels his hope? Our leaders need "the courage to practice long-term thinking, and to make bold, courageous, anticipatory decisions at a time when problems have become perceptible but before they reach crisis proportions."
Unfortunately, history tells us that cautious leaders are myopic, driven more by self-interest and nationalism than courage and long-term thinking. Eventually they're caught off guard and their worlds collapse, fast. They only respond to crises.
And, yes, out of crisis may come opportunity. As Nobel economist Milton Friedman put it in his classic, "Capitalism and Freedom:" "Only a crisis -- actual or perceived -- produces real change" because in the aftermath of crisis "the politically impossible becomes politically inevitable." Too many, however, delay and respond to crises with too little, too late.
Bottom line: The betting odds are 100% that global leaders will wait for a Pentagon-style "black swan" crisis before acting. Unfortunately, that delay positions the "WWIII Population Wars" dead ahead. 

Monday, August 2, 2010

Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane

Hey-oh Blog-Stars!

It's Music Monday and all this week I will be counting down to Friday which shall be the Night of the Scorpion at the Sleep Country Amphitheater in Vancouver, WA! And yes, I shall be in attendance.

My only regret is that the best band Germany ever produced is playing at the same time the best band Canada ever produced, RUSH, who are playing at that other amphitheater in Auburn.

But since this is the Scorpions final tour ever, I MUST be there to send them off in style.

So to get this week of Scorpions mayhem kicked off, it's time to Rock You Like A Hurricane!


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Make A Woman Your Sex Slave in 6 Seconds Flat!!

Hola Blo-gringos,

Es El Sabado (that means "It's El Sabbath" in espanol talk). And of course as we all know, the Sabbath is on Saturday and we also know that Black Sabbath was a heavy metal rock band consisting of all white men. If Black Sabbath were made up of actual black men, it may have sounded something like;

 "I am Iron Man, looking like a fool with my pants on the ground..."

And we all know that Saturday is the day I share "WHAT I LURNED THIS WEAK!"

What did I lurn this weak? I (once again) lurned that women are often in the same boat as men even though they like to act all innocent and morally superior to us. Example?

You've probably seen one or more of the ads aimed at men that say things like, "Get A Woman Into Bed In 3 Easy Steps Tonight!" or "Attention Guys! Once You Learn the Twelve Power Words, Super Models Will Call You For Sex!" or "Yes Men! You Can Sleep With 99 Women in 2 Hours!"

Now of course I would never in a million years, subscribe to such garbage but some of my male friends subscribe to ALL these sites and it just so happens that I may have had the opportunity to read some of the content therein with more than just a little interest, but for research purposes only. The funniest thing is, they're all basically the same. The web page ads all start out like this;

"Hi. I was once a brain dead loser just like you and never had any luck with the ladies. Then I went to the club one night and saw Harry. Harry was 4 foot 3, had a gut hanging over his belt that looked like he'd swallowed Rosie O'Donnell after she'd swallowed Roseanne Barr. He was unemployed, lived in his parent's basement, had no car, smelled of vomit and had a habit of eating the dead skin off his elbows. But every night, Harry was going home with super-models, movie stars, Miss America and women who made Angelina Jolie look like a warmed over cat turd.

What's Harry's secret? Well, for the low, low price of $139.99 (per month), I'll share Harry's secrets.

The "Secrets" then usually run as follows;

Be confident, stand up straight, be cocky, be funny, learn a few pick up lines, learn how to handle rejection, make more money, go to the gym, groom yourself at least once a month and never pick your nose until after she's in a committed relationship with you.
    Hell, I'll do these articles one better and offer up some of my own sure-fire dating advice. Offer to babysit her kids when she goes out with a better looking guy who's not a loser, buy her affection, slip her a roofie, don't stare at her breasts for longer than 20 consecutive minutes, lie about your real life, hire someone else to pick up the woman and then slip in once she's drunk, tell her how great her fat rolls look, lower your standards to include transvestites and increase your odds by swinging both ways. In other words, do anything except be yourself because a loser like you couldn't possibly take ANYONE who looked similar to a female, home with you.

I was once sharing some of these "secrets" with a young man at my local gym and was over heard by a woman standing nearby. You'd have thought I'd just raped her cat. "Oh my God! That's terrible! You shouldn't have a plan to pick up on women! You're such a weasel! 

To which I responded, "Really? You mean to sit there and tell me with a straight face that women don't do exactly the same thing?" To which she responded, "Well, I'm sure that SOME women do, but not me. That's so tasteless!" 

Yeah sister, I'm sure that some women do exactly that; plan how to catch a man and then share any info they may gleaned with the rest of female kind. Ever hear of a little mag called COSMOPOLITAN?

"WHAT A MAN IS THINKING WHILE YOU UNDRESS!" (article written by a woman)


(If you think it's our mind that we want blown, you're already in trouble)

Now what brought all this up this week? Well, I just happened to run across, for the first time ever, the same type of outrageous web advertisement which usually attracts men, only this time it was aimed at women!

It was called "Dirty Dialogue; How To Talk Dirty To Your Man Without Shame!" I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. Here are some excerpts;

Have you ever attempted to talk dirty to your man after pushing yourself to break the ice, didn’t get the response you expected, and quickly felt awkward and embarrassed –killing the mood – making you look back at the experience with fear, guilt and rejection?  I mean, feeling like you failed at dirty talk...and only making the idea seem more and more nerve racking?

Do you like the idea of talking dirty and pleasing your man’s wildest fantasy? Have you already started talking dirty as a way to please him?  But, have your attempts fallen short… leaving you searching for the missing piece-of-the-puzzle… that will unleash your inner sex goddess andshower him with verbal bliss?

The Secret To Talking Dirty To Men...

Inside you’ll find:
  • The Number One pitfall - which most women completely ignore - that murders your ability to talk dirty to a guy before you even begin, and how to avoid it like the plague!
  • The secret about pleasing your man with dirty talk that he's begging you to know…but is too afraid to tell you!
  • How to be a “lady in the streets but a freak in the bed”.
  • The shocking difference between a “slut” and the equally-as-sexual “serial monogamist”!  (Hint – This is NOT what you think, so listen up...)
  • Why real men desire classy women (and fall in love with them more) than most promiscuous women...PLUS how to send all the right signals to his dirty little mind!  (Note – This is also proven to work with “recovering sluts” who want to settle down)

  • How to captivate his fantasy and become the sex goddess of his dreams with this simple (and easy to use) “innocence” tactic that works every time!
  • "Devian, You and your advice have saved my relationship, and have brought me and my man closer together. You’re amazing. I can never repay you enough for this! Thank you so very much!" -Amanda R.
  1.  I don't mind you plotting, primping and planning how to "Blow A Man's Mind", or to "Land Him" or even to "Keep Him Hooked With Dirty Talk". I simply want you to admit that's what females often do. Why the charade? Why pretend that all of your attraction attempts are simply coming off  magically and naturally? Who do you think y'all are kidding? Could you clue me in on this one?
  2. If you want to learn to talk dirty in the boudoir (and your man wants you to) I'm gonna save you some money with these simple tips;
        A. If you're not used to talking during sex (and your man wants you to), start small. 
            Tell him that you like what he's doing (unless you don't) or to keep doing what 
            he's doing and use the word "baby" a lot (unless he's your "daddy"). Or tell him
            what you want him to do to you in a coarse kind of way.
        B. Realize that this talk is just for the bedroom and is part of a light-hearted, 
            pressure free sexual experience so have fun with it and experiment.
        C. As you get better at this sexual art form, get dirtier and use words and phrases 
             that you would NEVER use anywhere else. Words that may begin with F or Sh
             or Yee-haw or "Fire All Photon Torpedoes Mr. Sulu!"
        D. What men DON'T want in bed is to hear some pre-rehearsed script 
             that you bought off an internet site which was written by someone else who 
             simply played on your honest desire to grab and keep a man.

So there you have it ladies. Guys aren't the only ones who are plotting to "git some" tonight, are we? So let's stop with this played out, false, Victorian attitude toward seduction and simply learn to be honest, forthright and most of all "verbal" with one another in the arena of our romantic relationships.


See you on Music Monday Blog-o- holics.  Have a GFD!